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This command will draw a box from the specified upper left coordinates
to the specified lower right coordinates using a single line.
Optionally, the box can be filled with a specified dGE pattern from 0 to
20.  Unless a pattern is specified, the box will be clear.

DRAW BOX FROM <Pos1_a>,Pos1_b> TO <Pos2_a>,<Pos2_b> ;
   [PATTERN <pattern>]

<Pos1_a> is the upper left row screen coordinate of the box.
<Pos1_b> is the upper left column screen coordinate of the box.
<Pos2_a> is the lower right row screen coordinate of the box.
<Pos2_b> is the lower right column screen coordinate of the box.
<pattern> is the dGE pattern number for the interior of the box.
[BEVEL] will cause the box to have three dimensional characteristics
  as though it was a raised button.

DRAW BOX FROM 05,02 TO 20,77 PATTERN 7    // draw a pattern filled box

         Purpose: Draw a box
 Mapped Function: __DrawFrame() contained in GLLIBR.PRG.
   dGE functions: boxfill()
   Other GL UDFs: __XdGE(),__YdGE(),__XdGE_(),__YdGE_(),__DgeColor()
System variables: None.
System constants: None.

See Also:

See Also: __DrawFrame()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson